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Version: 8.2

Supported environments


The versions listed on this page are the minimum version required if appended with a +.

Pay attention to where the + falls, as most of our dependencies follow semantic versioning (semver), where x.y.z correspond to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Higher or more recent versions will be compatible with Camunda, with respect to semver.

For example, 1.2+ means support for the minor version 2, and any higher minors (1.3, 1.4, etc.) and patches (1.2.1, 1.2.2, etc.), but not majors, like 2.x.

Web Browser

  • Google Chrome latest [recommended]
  • Mozilla Firefox latest
  • Microsoft Edge latest

Desktop Modeler

  • Windows 7 / 10
  • Mac OS X 10.11
  • Ubuntu LTS (latest)


  • Zeebe Java Client: OpenJDK 8+
  • Zeebe Go Client: Go 1.13+
  • zbctl: Windows, MacOS, and Linux (latest)
  • Helm CLI: 3.12.x (for the exact version, check the version matrix)

Camunda 8 Self-Managed

We recommend running Camunda 8 Self-Managed in a Kubernetes environment. We provide officially supported Helm Charts for this. Please follow the Installation Guide to learn more about installation possibilities.

Requirements for the components can be seen below:

ComponentJava versionOther requirements
ZeebeOpenJDK 17+Elasticsearch 7.16.x, 7.17.x (only if Elastic exporter is used), 8.5.x, 8.6.x, AWS OpenSearch 1.3.x (only if OpenSearch exporter is used)*
OperateOpenJDK 17+Elasticsearch 7.16.x, 7.17.x, 8.5.x, 8.6.x, AWS OpenSearch 1.3.x*
TasklistOpenJDK 17+Elasticsearch 7.16.x, 7.17.x, 8.5.x, 8.6.x
IdentityOpenJDK 17+Keycloak 16.1.x, 18.x, 19.x, 21.x
PostgreSQL 14.x, 15.x
OptimizeOpenJDK 11+Elasticsearch 7.16.x, 7.17.x, 8.5.x, 8.6.x, Identity 8.2.x
Web Modeler-Keycloak 16.1.x, 18.x, 19.x, 21.x
PostgreSQL 13.x, 14.x, 15.x, 16.x, Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 13.x, 14.x, 15x., 16.x (other database systems are currently not supported)
Elasticsearch support

Camunda 8 works with the default distribution of Elasticsearch.

Amazon OpenSearch 1.3 Support

To use Amazon OpenSearch, the relevant OpenSearch image must be downloaded from DockerHub.

Helm chart version matrix

The core Camunda components have a unified fixed release schedule following the release policy. However, some of the applications have their own schedule. The following compatibility matrix gives an overview of the different versions with respect to the Helm chart versions.

For more details about the applications version included in the Helm chart, review the full version matrix.

Applications version matrix

This overview shows which Zeebe version works with which Modeler, Operate, Tasklist and Optimize:

Desktop Modeler 4.7+Zeebe 1.0.xOperate 1.0.x Tasklist 1.0.x-0.0.1
Desktop Modeler 4.9+Zeebe 1.1.xOperate 1.1.x Tasklist 1.1.x-0.1.x
Desktop Modeler 4.11+Zeebe 1.2.xOperate 1.2.x Tasklist 1.2.x IAM 1.2.x-0.1.x
Desktop Modeler 4.12+Zeebe 1.3.xOperate 1.3.x Tasklist 1.3.x IAM 1.3.xOptimize 3.7.x0.1.x
Desktop Modeler 5.0+Zeebe 8.0.xOperate 8.0.x Tasklist 8.0.x Identity 8.0.xOptimize 3.8.x0.2.x
Desktop Modeler 5.4+Zeebe 8.1.xOperate 8.1.x Tasklist 8.1.x Identity 8.1.x Connectors 0.23.0Optimize 3.9.x0.8.x
Desktop Modeler 5.10+Zeebe 8.2.xOperate 8.2.x Tasklist 8.2.x Identity 8.2.x Connectors 0.23.2Optimize 3.10.x0.14.x
Web Modeler 8.2.xZeebe 8.2.xOperate 8.2.x Tasklist 8.2.x Identity 8.2.x Connectors 0.23.2Optimize 3.10.x0.14.x

You can also use newer versions of Desktop and Web Modeler with older Zeebe versions.

Camunda 7 & Optimize Version Matrix
