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Version: 8.8 / 3.16.0 (unreleased)

Get dashboard IDs

This API allows users to retrieve all dashboard IDs from a given collection.

Method & HTTP target resource

GET /api/public/dashboard

Request headers

The following request headers have to be provided with every request:


Query parameters

The following query parameters have to be provided with every request:

collectionIdREQUIREDThe ID of the collection for which to retrieve the dashboard IDs.

Request body

No request body is required.


The response contains a list of IDs of the dashboards existing in the collection with the given collection ID.

Response codes

Possible HTTP response status codes:

200Request successful.
401Secret incorrect or missing in HTTP Header. See authentication on how to authenticate.
500Some error occurred while processing the request, best check the Optimize log.


Retrieve all dashboard IDs from a collection

Assuming you want to retrieve all dashboard IDs in the collection with the ID 1234 and have configured the accessToken mySecret, this is what it would look like:

GET /api/public/dashboard?collectionId=1234

Request header

Authorization: Bearer mySecret


Status 200.

Response content

"id": "9b0eb845-e8ed-4824-bd85-8cd69038f2f5"
"id": "1a866c7c-563e-4f6b-adf1-c4648531f7d4"