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Version: 8.7 / 3.15.0 (unreleased)

Delete dashboards

The dashboards deletion API allows you to delete dashboards by ID from Optimize.

Heads up!

The deletion of a dashboard does not affect the referenced reports.

Method & HTTP target resource

DELETE /api/public/dashboard/{dashboard-ID}

Where dashboard-ID is the ID of the dashboard you wish to delete.

Request headers

The following request headers have to be provided with every delete request:

AuthenticationREQUIREDSee authentication

Query parameters

No query parameters available.

Request body

No request body is required.


No response body.

Response codes

Possible HTTP Response status codes:

204Request successful.
401Secret incorrect or missing in HTTP Header. See authentication on how to authenticate.
404The requested dashboard was not found, please check the provided dashboard-ID.
500Some error occurred while processing the request, best check the Optimize log.


Delete a dashboard

Let's assume you want to delete a dashboard with the ID e6c5abb1-6a18-44e7-8480-d562d511ba62, this is what it would look like:

DELETE /api/public/dashboard/e6c5aaa1-6a18-44e7-8480-d562d511ba62

Request header

Authorization: Bearer mySecret


Status 204.