Operating Zeebe in production
This chapter covers topics relevant to anyone who wants to operate Zeebe in production.
- Resource planning - Gives an introduction for calculating how many resources need to be provisioned.
- Network ports - Discusses which ports are needed to run Zeebe.
- Setting up a Zeebe cluster - Quick guide on how to set up a cluster with multiple brokers.
- Health status - Lists available high-level health and liveness probes.
- Backpressure - Discusses the backpressure mechanism used by Zeebe brokers.
- Disk space - Explains how to set limits for the amount of free disk space. Once these limits are undercut, Zeebe degrades gracefully to allow the operations team to provide more disk space.
- Update Zeebe - Contains information on how to perform a shutdown update.
- Rebalancing - Describes how to rebalance a cluster.