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Version: 8.6

Update 8.5 to 8.6

The following sections explain which adjustments must be made to migrate from Camunda 8.5.x to 8.6.x for each component.

End of life: Spring-Zeebe community project

In Camunda 8.6 the Spring-Zeebe community project was replaced by the Spring Zeebe SDK.

As Testing support for the Spring SDK was only added with the 8.6.7 release, Camunda recommends you migrate directly to version 8.6.7 or later.

Helm chart

Separated Ingress deprecation

The separated Ingress Helm configuration for Camunda 8 Self-Managed has been deprecated in 8.6, and will be removed from the Helm chart in 8.8. Only the combined Ingress configuration is officially supported. See the Ingress guide for more information on configuring a combined Ingress setup.

Elasticsearch nodes number

The default value of Elasticsearch deployment pods has changed from 2 to 3, and an affinity setting has been added to avoid scheduling Elasticsearch pods on the same Kubernetes worker.


Rest connector

Breaking change

If one of your endpoints returns multiple Set-Cookie headers and you need to capture all of them, set groupSetCookieHeaders to true in the element template XML. This aggregates the headers into a list. This feature is available since version 8.6.7. The grouping is enabled by default since version 8.6.11.

Kafka Connector supports Avro schema

Breaking change

The Camunda Kafka Connector supports Schema Registry as of version 8.6.0. This means:

  • When using Connectors 8.6.0, you must use the following Kafka Connector versions:
    • For inbound connectors: 6 (or higher)
    • For outbound connector: 5 (or higher)
  • When using Connectors 8.5.x (or older), you must use the following Kafka Connector versions:
    • For inbound connectors: 5 (or lower)
    • For outbound connector: 4 (or lower)

Avro schema support is the only breaking change for this Connector. If you do not use Avro schema, you can continue using the Connector as before.


We added the global.compatibility.openshift.adaptSecurityContext variable in the values.yaml that can be used to set the following possible values:

  • force: The runAsUser and fsGroup values will be null in all components.
  • disabled: The runAsUser and fsGroup values will not be modified (default).

To deploy Camunda 8 on OpenShift, run the following command:

helm install camunda camunda/camunda-platform --skip-crds \
--set global.compatibility.openshift.adaptSecurityContext=force

With this change, there is no need to do extra steps with the post-renderer. You can install the chart as normal. Please refer to the Red Hat OpenShift document for more information.

Operate and Tasklist

New base path for Operate and Tasklist web applications

We have introduced a new base path for both the Operate and Tasklist web applications. The new base path for Operate is /operate, and for Tasklist, it is /tasklist. For more information, see the 8.6 announcements.