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Version: 8.8 (unreleased)

Install Camunda 8 on an EKS cluster

This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough for installing the Camunda 8 Helm chart on your existing AWS Kubernetes EKS cluster. It also includes instructions for setting up optional DNS configurations and other optional AWS-managed services, such as OpenSearch and PostgreSQL.

Lastly you'll verify that the connection to your Self-Managed Camunda 8 environment is working.



While this guide is primarily tailored for UNIX systems, it can also be run under Windows by utilizing the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Multi-tenancy is disabled by default and is not covered further in this guide. If you decide to enable it, you may use the same PostgreSQL instance and add an extra database for multi-tenancy purposes.

Optimize compatibility with OpenSearch

Migration: The migration step will be disabled during the installation. For more information, refer to using Amazon OpenSearch Service.


Note the existing architecture extended by deploying a Network Load Balancer with TLS termination within the ingress below.

Additionally, two components (external-dns and cert-manager) handle requesting the TLS certificate from Let's Encrypt and configuring Route53 to confirm domain ownership and update the DNS records to expose the Camunda 8 deployment.

Camunda 8 Self-Managed AWS Architecture Diagram

Export environment variables

To streamline the execution of the subsequent commands, it is recommended to export multiple environment variables.

Export the AWS region and Helm chart version

The following are the required environment variables with some example values:


Export database values

When using either standard authentication (network based or username and password) or IRSA authentication, specific environment variables must be set with valid values. Follow the guide for either eksctl or Terraform to set them correctly.

Verify the configuration of your environment variables by running the following loop:


(Optional) Ingress Setup

Domain or domainless installation

If you do not have a domain name, external access to Camunda 8 web endpoints from outside the AWS VPC will not be possible. In this case, you may skip the DNS setup and proceed directly to deploying Camunda 8 via Helm charts.

Alternatively, you can use kubectl port-forward to access the Camunda platform without a domain or Ingress configuration. For more information, see the kubectl port-forward documentation.

Throughout the rest of this installation guide, we will refer to configurations as "With domain" or "Without domain" depending on whether the application is exposed via a domain.

In this section, we provide an optional setup guide for configuring an Ingress with TLS and DNS management, allowing you to access your application through a specified domain. If you haven't set up an Ingress, refer to the Kubernetes Ingress documentation for more details. In Kubernetes, an Ingress is an API object that manages external access to services in a cluster, typically over HTTP, and can also handle TLS encryption for secure connections.

To monitor your Ingress setup using Amazon CloudWatch, you may also find the official AWS guide on monitoring nginx workloads with CloudWatch Container Insights and Prometheus helpful. Additionally, for detailed steps on exposing Kubernetes applications with the nginx ingress controller, refer to the official AWS tutorial.

Export Values

Set the following values for your Ingress configuration:

# The domain name you intend to use
# The email address for Let's Encrypt registration
# Helm chart versions for Ingress components

Additionally, obtain these values by following the guide for either eksctl or Terraform, as they will be needed in later steps:



Ingress-nginx is an open-source Kubernetes Ingress controller that provides a way to manage external access to services within a Kubernetes cluster. It acts as a reverse proxy and load balancer, routing incoming traffic to the appropriate services based on rules defined in the Ingress resource.

The following installs ingress-nginx in the ingress-nginx namespace via Helm. For more configuration options, consult the Helm chart.

helm upgrade --install \
ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--set 'controller.service.annotations.service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol=tcp' \
--set 'controller.service.annotations.service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/aws-load-balancer-cross-zone-load-balancing-enabled=true' \
--set 'controller.service.annotations.service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/aws-load-balancer-type=nlb' \
--namespace ingress-nginx \


External-dns is a Kubernetes add-on that automates the management of DNS records for external resources, such as load balancers or Ingress controllers. It monitors the Kubernetes resources and dynamically updates the DNS provider with the appropriate DNS records.

The following installs external-dns in the external-dns namespace via Helm. For more configuration options, consult the Helm chart.

Consider setting domainFilters via --set to restrict access to certain hosted zones.


Make sure to have EXTERNAL_DNS_IRSA_ARN exported prior by either having followed the eksctl or Terraform guide.

Uniqueness of txtOwnerId for DNS

If you are already running external-dns in a different cluster, ensure each instance has a unique txtOwnerId for the TXT record. Without unique identifiers, the external-dns instances will conflict and inadvertently delete existing DNS records.

In the example below, it's set to external-dns and should be changed if this identifier is already in use. Consult the documentation to learn more about DNS record ownership.

helm upgrade --install \
external-dns external-dns \
--repo \
--set "env[0].name=AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" \
--set "env[0].value=$REGION" \
--set txtOwnerId=external-dns \
--set policy=sync \
--set "serviceAccount.annotations.eks\.amazonaws\.com\/role-arn=$EXTERNAL_DNS_IRSA_ARN" \
--namespace external-dns \


Cert-manager is an open-source Kubernetes add-on that automates the management and issuance of TLS certificates. It integrates with various certificate authorities (CAs) and provides a straightforward way to obtain, renew, and manage SSL/TLS certificates for your Kubernetes applications.

To simplify the installation process, it is recommended to install the cert-manager CustomResourceDefinition resources before installing the chart. This separate step allows for easy uninstallation and reinstallation of cert-manager without deleting any custom resources that have been installed.

kubectl apply -f$CERT_MANAGER_HELM_CHART_VERSION/cert-manager.crds.yaml

The following installs cert-manager in the cert-manager namespace via Helm. For more configuration options, consult the Helm chart. The supplied settings also configure cert-manager to ease the certificate creation by setting a default issuer, which allows you to add a single annotation on an Ingress to request the relevant certificates.


Make sure to have CERT_MANAGER_IRSA_ARN exported prior by either having followed the eksctl or Terraform guide.

helm upgrade --install \
cert-manager cert-manager \
--repo \
--namespace cert-manager \
--create-namespace \
--set "serviceAccount.annotations.eks\.amazonaws\.com\/role-arn=$CERT_MANAGER_IRSA_ARN" \
--set securityContext.fsGroup=1001 \
--set ingressShim.defaultIssuerName=letsencrypt \
--set ingressShim.defaultIssuerKind=ClusterIssuer \

Create a ClusterIssuer via kubectl to enable cert-manager to request certificates from Let's Encrypt:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ClusterIssuer
name: letsencrypt
email: $MAIL
name: letsencrypt-issuer-account-key
- selector: {}
region: $REGION
# Cert-manager will automatically observe the hosted zones
# Cert-manager will automatically make use of the IRSA assigned service account

Deploy Camunda 8 via Helm charts

For more configuration options, refer to the Helm chart documentation. Additionally, explore our existing resources on the Camunda 8 Helm chart and guides.

Depending of your installation path, you may use different settings. For easy and reproducible installations, we will use yaml files to configure the chart.

1. Create the values.yml file

Start by creating a values.yml file to store the configuration for your environment. This file will contain key-value pairs that will be substituted using envsubst. You can find a reference example of this file here:

The following makes use of the combined Ingress setup by deploying a single Ingress for all HTTP components and a separate Ingress for the gRPC endpoint.

Cert-manager annotation for domain installation

The annotation will be interpreted by cert-manager and automatically results in the creation of the required certificate request, easing the setup.

Exposure of the Zeebe Gateway

Publicly exposing the Zeebe Gateway without proper authorization can pose significant security risks. To avoid this, consider disabling the Ingress for the Zeebe Gateway by setting the following values to false in your configuration file:

  • zeebeGateway.ingress.grpc.enabled

By default, authorization is enabled to ensure secure access to Zeebe. Typically, only internal components need direct access to Zeebe, making it unnecessary to expose the gateway externally.

Reference the credentials in secrets

Before installing the Helm chart, create Kubernetes secrets to store the Keycloak database authentication credentials and the OpenSearch authentication credentials.

To create the secrets, run the following commands:


2. Configure your deployment

Enable Enterprise components

Some components are not enabled by default in this deployment. For more information on how to configure and enable these components, refer to configuring Web Modeler, Console, and Connectors.

Use internal Elasticsearch instead of the managed OpenSearch

If you do not wish to use a managed OpenSearch service, you can opt to use the internal Elasticsearch deployment. This configuration disables OpenSearch and enables the internal Kubernetes Elasticsearch deployment:

Show configuration changes to disable external OpenSearch usage
enabled: true
enabled: false

enabled: true

Use internal PostgreSQL instead of the managed Aurora

If you prefer not to use an external PostgreSQL service, you can switch to the internal PostgreSQL deployment. In this case, you will need to configure the Helm chart as follows and remove certain configurations related to the external database and service account:

Show configuration changes to disable external database usage
enabled: true

# Remove external database configuration
# externalDatabase:
# ...

# Remove service account and annotations
# serviceAccount:
# ...

# Remove extra environment variables for external database driver
# extraEnvVars:
# ...

# Remove this part

# restapi:
# externalDatabase:
# url: jdbc:aws-wrapper:postgresql://${DB_HOST}:5432/${DB_WEBMODELER_NAME}
# existingSecret: webmodeler-postgres-secret
# existingSecretPasswordKey: password

# Remove this part

# externalDatabase:
# enabled: true
# host: ${DB_HOST}
# port: 5432
# database: ${DB_IDENTITY_NAME}
# existingSecret: identity-postgres-secret
# existingSecretPasswordKey: password

Fill your deployment with actual values

Once you've prepared the values.yml file, run the following envsubst command to substitute the environment variables with their actual values:


Next, store various passwords in a Kubernetes secret, which will be used by the Helm chart. Below is an example of how to set up the required secret. You can use openssl to generate random secrets and store them in environment variables:


Use these environment variables in the kubectl command to create the secret.


3. Install Camunda 8 using Helm

Now that the generated-values.yml is ready, you can install Camunda 8 using Helm. Run the following command:


This command:

  • Installs (or upgrades) the Camunda platform using the Helm chart.
  • Substitutes the appropriate version using the $CAMUNDA_HELM_CHART_VERSION environment variable.
  • Applies the configuration from generated-values.yml.

This guide uses helm upgrade --install as it runs install on initial deployment and upgrades future usage. This may make it easier for future Camunda 8 Helm upgrades or any other component upgrades.

You can track the progress of the installation using the following command:

Understand how each component interacts with IRSA

Web Modeler

As the Web Modeler REST API uses PostgreSQL, configure the restapi to use IRSA with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. Check the Web Modeler database configuration for more details. Web Modeler already comes fitted with the aws-advanced-jdbc-wrapper within the Docker image.


Only available from v21+

IAM Roles for Service Accounts can only be implemented with Keycloak 21+. This may require you to adjust the version used in the Camunda Helm chart.

From Keycloak versions 21+, the default JDBC driver can be overwritten, allowing use of a custom wrapper like the aws-advanced-jdbc-wrapper to utilize the features of IRSA. This is a wrapper around the default JDBC driver, but takes care of signing the requests.

The official Keycloak documentation also provides detailed instructions for utilizing Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL.

A custom Keycloak container image containing necessary configurations is accessible on Docker Hub at camunda/keycloak. This image, built upon the base image bitnami/keycloak, incorporates the required wrapper for seamless integration.

Container image sources

The sources of the Camunda Keycloak images can be found on GitHub. In this repository, the aws-advanced-jdbc-wrapper is assembled in the Dockerfile.

Maintenance of these images is based on the upstream Bitnami Keycloak images, ensuring they are always up-to-date with the latest Keycloak releases. The lifecycle details for Keycloak can be found on

Keycloak image configuration

Bitnami Keycloak container image configuration is available at


Identity uses PostgreSQL, and identity is configured to use IRSA with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. Check the Identity database configuration for more details. Identity includes the aws-advanced-jdbc-wrapper within the Docker image.

Amazon OpenSearch Service

Internal database configuration

The default setup is sufficient for Amazon OpenSearch Service clusters without fine-grained access control.

Fine-grained access control adds another layer of security to OpenSearch, requiring you to add a mapping between the IAM role and the internal OpenSearch role. Visit the AWS documentation on fine-grained access control.

There are different ways to configure the mapping within Amazon OpenSearch Service:

  • Via a Terraform module in case your OpenSearch instance is exposed.

  • Via the OpenSearch dashboard.

  • Via the REST API. To authorize the IAM role in OpenSearch for access, follow these steps:

    Use the following curl command to update the OpenSearch internal database and authorize the IAM role for access. Replace placeholders with your specific values:

    -X PATCH \
    "https://<OS_ENDPOINT>/_opendistro/_security/api/rolesmapping/all_access?pretty" \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    "op": "add",
    "path": "/backend_roles",
    "value": ["<ROLE_NAME>"]
    • Replace <OS_DOMAIN_USER> and <OS_DOMAIN_PASSWORD> with your OpenSearch domain admin credentials.
    • Replace <OS_ENDPOINT> with your OpenSearch endpoint URL.
    • Replace <ROLE_NAME> with the IAM role name created by Terraform, which is output by the opensearch_role module.
    Security of basic auth usage

    This example uses basic authentication (username and password), which may not be the best practice for all scenarios, especially if fine-grained access control is enabled. The endpoint used in this example is not exposed by default, so consult your OpenSearch documentation for specifics on enabling and securing this endpoint.

Ensure that the iam_role_arn of the previously created opensearch_role is assigned to an internal role within Amazon OpenSearch Service. For example, all_access on the Amazon OpenSearch Service side is a good candidate, or if required, extra roles can be created with more restrictive access.

Verify connectivity to Camunda 8

First, we need an OAuth client to be able to connect to the Camunda 8 cluster.

Generate an M2M token using Identity

Generate an M2M token by following the steps outlined in the Identity getting started guide, along with the incorporating applications documentation.

Below is a summary of the necessary instructions:

  1. Open Identity in your browser at https://${DOMAIN_NAME}/identity. You will be redirected to Keycloak and prompted to log in with a username and password.
  2. Use demo as both the username and password.
  3. Select Add application and select M2M as the type. Assign a name like "test."
  4. Select the newly created application. Then, select Access to APIs > Assign permissions, and select the Core API with "read" and "write" permission.
  5. Retrieve the client-id and client-secret values from the application details
export ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID='client-id' # retrieve the value from the identity page of your created m2m application
export ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET='client-secret' # retrieve the value from the identity page of your created m2m application

Use the token

For a detailed guide on generating and using a token, please conduct the relevant documentation on authenticating with the REST API.

Export the following environment variables:

export ZEEBE_ADDRESS_REST=https://$DOMAIN_NAME/zeebe
export ZEEBE_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_URL=https://$DOMAIN_NAME/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token

Generate a temporary token to access the REST API, then capture the value of the access_token property and store it as your token. Use the stored token (referred to as TOKEN in this case) to interact with the REST API and display the cluster topology:


...and results in the following output:

Example output

Test the installation with payment example application

To test your installation with the deployment of a sample application, refer to the installing payment example guide.

Advanced topics

The following are some advanced configuration topics to consider for your cluster:

To get more familiar with our product stack, visit the following topics: