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8.6 Release notes

These release notes identify the new features included in 8.6, including alpha feature releases.

8.6 minor

Scheduled release dateScheduled end of maintenanceChangelog(s)Release blogUpdate guide
8 October 202414 April 2026Self-Managed update guide


Release dateChangelog(s)
10 September 2024- Camunda 8 core
- Connectors
Release blog

Auto-pause SaaS Console

dev tagged clusters on free plans now automatically pause after 8 hours to conserve resources.

  • No data is lost, although it takes a few minutes to restart them in Modeler or Console.
  • To avoid auto-pausing, add a test, stage, or prod tag to your cluster, or upgrade to a Starter or Enterprise plan.

This change allows Camunda to continue to offer dedicated, private clusters to our trial users.

Customize Tasklist user interface in Self-Managed Self-Managed Tasklist

You can customize the Tasklist user interface (UI) to visually align it with your organization's brand identity. You can adjust the appearance of various UI elements, such as backgrounds, layers, controls, buttons, and text.

Data viewer modeling interfaceModeler

You can use the new variables view to track variables defined in a process diagram.

  • This view shows you where a variable was created, which elements write to the variable, and the variable’s scope.
  • You can use this view to see which variables are available for use in an element, and to troubleshoot problems with variables.

Get started with microservice orchestration Help Center

The Help Center now features a step-by-step guide to complete our microservice orchestration tutorial.

Get started with human task orchestration Help Center Tasklist

The Help Center now features a step-by-step guide to complete our human task orchestration (HTO) tutorial, explaining the critical features that every developer interested in human task orchestration needs to know.

  • Users get a glimpse into the user experience for at-scale adoption.
  • Enterprise architects get a picture of how Camunda's out-of-the-box Tasklist fits into their architecture.

Internationalization (I18n) for Tasklist Tasklist

When creating a process for a local (non-English) region, you can design forms in the local language and have the Tasklist interface in the same language.

  • By default, Tasklist supports four languages: English, French, German, and Spanish.
  • The interface language is automatically determined by the user device's language settings.
  • The interface defaults to English if the device's language is not supported.

Message correlation with result Zeebe

Real-time feedback is added for message correlation for messages with ttl=o, enabling external systems to immediately determine the success or failure of message correlation. This enhancement allows external systems to take prompt and appropriate actions based on the correlation result, improving overall efficiency and reducing response times.

Public Marketplace Blueprint support for HTO & DMN Web Modeler Marketplace

Web Modeler now supports DMN models and Forms inside Marketplace Blueprints.

  • These Blueprints can now showcase even more ways to implement common business processes, and illustrate best practices for process modeling and implementation.
  • To learn more about browsing Marketplace Blueprints, see browse marketplace blueprints.

Share Connectors within the project and organization in Self-Managed Self-Managed

Organization administrators can now share connectors within project and organization levels, enabling easy reuse of shared assets.

Super user mode available in Self-Managed Self-Managed

Organization administrators can now govern and access all projects in Web Modeler Self-Managed using a new "super user" mode.


This feature has already been released in SaaS.

User Task priority field Zeebe

Organizations often face challenges in ensuring that teams focus on the most important tasks within complex workflows. To address this, the task priority feature allows you to define and manage task priorities within a BPMN process, ensuring that important assignments receive the attention they deserve.

  • User Task priority is an integer value that determines the importance of a task within a workflow.
  • The supported priority values range from 0 to 100, with a default value of 50. A higher priority value indicates higher importance.

Version tag binding for linked resources support Modeler

You can now pin dependent files using a user-generated version tag. By specifying a version tag like "1.3.4", you can ensure that the right version of a dependent BPMN, DMN, or Form file is always used, regardless of future deployments. This feature is ideal for managing external or shared dependencies.

Write rate limiting based on exporting rate Zeebe

A new Zeebe unified flow control mechanism can limit user commands and rate limit writes of new records in general. By default, Zeebe tries to achieve 200ms response times for user commands. You can use this new feature to prevent the buildup of an excessive exporting backlog.

To limit the write rate, you can either set a static limit or enable throttling that dynamically adjusts the write rate based on the exporting backlog and rate. If activated, you might see more backpressure in cases where exporters are not exporting fast enough, so that a backlog builds up. The backpressure error message contains information to explain what is happening, and you can also refer to the documentation to understand what to do in such cases.

  • SaaS: The new write limit is automatically applied to Saas default hosting packages.
  • Self-Managed: Limiting is disabled by default. If required, you can activate and tune the write limit.


Release dateChangelog(s)
12 August 2024- Camunda 8 core
- Connectors
Release blog

Using Camunda 8 Connectors in Desktop Modeler Modeler

Modeler now offers templates in BPMN diagrams for pre-built Camunda 8 Connectors. This ensures you can easily connect to a growing list of services and protocols, out of the box.

Get started with human task orchestration Help Center Tasklist

The Help Center now features a step-by-step guide to complete our human task orchestration (HTO) tutorial, explaining the critical features that every developer interested in HTO needs to know.

  • Users get a glimpse into the user experience for at-scale adoption.
  • Enterprise architects get a picture of how Camunda's out-of-the-box Tasklist fits into their architecture.

Amazon AWS Bedrock Connector Connectors

This new Connector allows you to leverage the power of the Amazon AWS Bedrock LLM service, allowing users to:

  • Make a customized request to any models available in the region using the Amazon InvokeModel function.
  • Create a full conversation using the Converse method.

Deployment version binding for forms, processes, and decisions

Version binding is now supported for bundled deployments through process applications or the Camunda API.

  • Apply the "deployment" option to a dependent BPMN, DMN, or Form file to pin the dependency so you can deploy future versions of these files without disrupting ongoing process instances.
  • This feature is ideal for self-contained projects without external or shared dependencies.

Git sync

You can now synchronize process applications with GitHub using a native integration.

  • After an admin approves and configures the basic integration, you can select a path to synchronize with in a GitHub repository.
  • You can pull changes from GitHub to integrate contributions from Desktop Modeler users, make changes, and begin the process to make a pull request so every change is properly reviewed and approved.

Do you use another tool such as GitLab or Bitbucket? Contact us to make your request. Until then, you can use our Connectors system and the CI/CD blueprint on the Marketplace.

Persist data across sessions

Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY). Play now supports an end-to-end journey for saving and reusing example data.

  • Save example data to the BPMN diagram while playing your process so anyone can use it.
  • Any user can use this example data in their sessions, eliminating the need for tedious form-fills or copy-pasting.
  • Connector example data is now available to help define output variables or mock Connectors.

Out-of-the-box (OOTB) product development lifecycle (PDLC) happy path Modeler

Web Modeler is building a lightweight, out-of-the-box (OOTB) product development lifecycle (PDLC) to enable business users to review changes, promote them through changes, and maintain visibility into their journey.

Console Self-Managed: OIDC support Console Self-Managed

We are excited to announce a new Console Self-Managed feature to enhance your authentication capabilities. You can now use OpenID Connect (OIDC) to authenticate with Console Self-Managed, allowing seamless integration with enterprise Identity Providers (IdPs).

Console Self-Managed: Administration API Console Self-Managed

We are excited to announce the release of the new Administration API for the Camunda platform.

  • The Administration API empowers you to collect detailed information across your organization about your automation clusters and their usage statistics.
  • You can use this API to automate various operational management tasks and seamlessly integrate the Camunda platform with your internal tools and systems.

Hourly backup option on Camunda 8 SaaS SaaS

On Camunda 8 SaaS, you can now configure hourly backup intervals. Simply head to Console and adjust your backup interval.

Improved visual indication of the executed path in a process Operate

In Operate, the visualization of the executed path of a process instance is improved. Both executed sequence flows and flow nodes are highlighted, allowing you to display how often each flow node was executed.


Release dateChangelog(s)
02 July 2024- Camunda 8 core
- Connectors
Release blog

Encrypted inter-component communication for Web Modeler Modeler

You can now enable TLS-encrypted communication between Web Modeler, the REST API, and websockets.

API orchestration getting started journey Connectors

New platform users interested in orchestrating API endpoints now have a high-level in-product explanation of Camunda's Connector functionality.

Remove "Cloud" as a user-facing term ModelerConsole SaaS

"Cloud" has been removed from the URLs in SaaS versions of Modeler and Console for conciseness.

Incident Copilot Alpha Play

Let AI teach you how to prevent and fix the incidents you run into while playing your process.

  • Auto-generated prompt including incident information
  • Advice on how to update your model to prevent issues while developing
  • An open conversation to continue asking more questions


Release dateChangelog(s)
11 June 2024- Camunda 8 core
- Connectors
Release blog

API orchestration getting started journey Help Center

The Help Center now features a step-by-step guide to complete the API orchestration tutorial. To use this guide, you must have cookies enabled.

Message queue inbound Connectors message acknowledgement configuration Connectors

Enhance BPMN workflow reliability with selective message acknowledgement, enabling precise error handling and notification for unmatched messages through RabbitMQ's dead letter queue configuration. Control the message acknowledgement process so acknowledgements are sent only if the message is both correlated to a process instance and meets the activation condition.

New inbound intermediate element template property - Message TTL Connectors

Time-to-live (TTL) is now configurable for inbound Connectors via a property in all inbound intermediate element templates called Message TTL. The new default value for TTL is 0. Read more about message buffering and message correlation.

Incident Copilot Alpha Play

Let AI teach you how to prevent and fix the incidents you run into while playing your process.

  • Auto-generated prompt including incident information
  • Advice on how to update your model to prevent issues while developing
  • An open conversation to continue asking more questions

MS SQL, MySQL, and PostgreSQL outbound JDBC Connector Connectors

Offering seamless data exchange between Camunda 8 and databases, the new database Connector for Camunda 8 simplifies data exchange with MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases, allowing you to read and write data directly within your Camunda processes.

This integration enables a wide range of process blueprints and use cases to be executed on the Camunda platform without any additional installation or development. With the new Camunda Connector, you can now seamlessly integrate database operations into your workflows. This feature reduces complexity, enhances security, and lowers maintenance costs by providing a robust and efficient method for data exchange directly within the Camunda platform.

Create Camunda Wizard Modeler

Camunda's Docs AI is now available while you're modeling.

Beyond the standard built-in guidance like tooltips, users who opt-in to AI features will be able to ask complex questions about how to develop their processes without leaving Modeler. The AI tool pulls best practices and technical instructions from our docs, forum posts, and blog, so you can spend less time searching for information and more time developing.

Web Modeler Self-Managed Developer Edition (Local) Modeler Self-Managed

Web Modeler Self Managed is now free to use for anyone. Now packaged as part of Camunda's Docker distribution, you can test out Camunda's collaborative modeling and development lifecycle features before making the decision to get a license.

There is one limitation: each Modeler project can have up to five users.

Amazon SageMaker Connectors

Integrate ML cases in your existing processes with Amazon SageMaker.

You can now effortlessly integrate machine learning functionalities into your workflows with the release of the Amazon SageMaker Connector. With this new Connector, directly harness Amazon SageMaker's machine learning services within Camunda, streamlining the process and allowing for greater focus on process enhancement and innovation.

Process application MVP Modeler

The process application is a special type of folder in Web Modeler that enables bulk actions like deploying all assets together. This reduces the risk of having a broken deployment at runtime, and makes it more convenient to deploy related files.


Release dateChangelog(s)Release blog
14 May 2024- Camunda 8 core
- Connectors
Release blog

Process development lifecycle (PDLC) blueprint Marketplace

Developing and releasing Camunda processes in compliance with your organization's policies often creates a long-running, sometimes complex process across many endpoints - a great use case for an orchestrator like Camunda. Camunda is taking the first steps to orchestrate the development lifecycle using its own engine, relevant Connectors, and a customizable blueprint that you can modify to fit your needs.

Process application MVP (SaaS only) Modeler SaaS

The process application is a special type of folder in Web Modeler that enables bulk actions like deploying all assets together. This reduces the risk of having a broken deployment at runtime and makes it more convenient to deploy related files.

Instance modification as batch Operate

With the new release operating mass incidents is easier with batch instance modification. If there was an issue in process execution that caused you to enter the wrong process branch or data was corrupted, you can select multiple process instances and move them to the correct place in the process.

Relative dates in task tiles Tasklist

Creation, due, and follow-up dates are now shown as relative dates in task tiles (e.g. "Tomorrow" instead of "10 April 2024 - 13:34 PM").

Anti CSRF token for Tasklist Tasklist

Tasklist sessions are now protected via an anti CSRF token.