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RPA framework library

Camunda offers a custom library for the robotic process automation (RPA) framework, that allows you to manipulate Camunda variables within RPA scripts.

Import the Camunda library

To use Camunda-provided keywords, import the Camunda library into your Robot file. The Camunda library is only available within the Camunda RPA runtime.

*** Settings ***
Library Camunda

# More Libraries here ...

Use keywords and set variables

To set a process variable in Camunda from within an RPA script, use the keyword Set Output Variable. This keyword sets an output variable to be returned from the RPA worker to Camunda. Learn more about variable propagation.


Set Output Variable {variableName}  {value}


  • {variable_name}: The name of the variable you want to set or update.
  • {value}: The value you want to assign to the variable.


Set Output Variable customerName    John Doe

This command sets a variable named customerName with the value John Doe in the current task context. This will be available in the process scope after task completion.

Example usage

The following example demonstrates a script that solves the first challenge at and returns the result message to Camunda:

*** Settings ***
Documentation Robot to solve the first challenge at,
... which consists of filling a form that randomly rearranges
... itself for ten times, with data taken from a provided
... Microsoft Excel file. Return Congratulation message to Camunda.

Library RPA.Browser.Playwright
Library RPA.Excel.Files
Library RPA.HTTP
Library Camunda

*** Tasks ***
Complete the challenge
Start the challenge
Fill the forms
Collect the results

*** Keywords ***
Start the challenge
New Browser headless=false
New Page
... overwrite=True
Click button

Fill the forms
${people}= Get the list of people from the Excel file
FOR ${person} IN @{people}
Fill and submit the form ${person}

Get the list of people from the Excel file
Open Workbook challenge.xlsx
${table}= Read Worksheet As Table header=True
Close Workbook
RETURN ${table}

Fill and submit the form
[Arguments] ${person}
Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name="labelFirstName"] ${person}[First Name]
Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name="labelLastName"] ${person}[Last Name]
Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name="labelCompanyName"] ${person}[Company Name]
Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name="labelRole"] ${person}[Role in Company]
Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name="labelAddress"] ${person}[Address]
Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name="labelEmail"] ${person}[Email]
Fill Text //input[@ng-reflect-name="labelPhone"] ${person}[Phone Number]
Click input[type=submit]

Collect the results
${resultText}= Get Text selector=css=div.congratulations .message2
Set Output Variable resultText ${resultText}
Close Browser