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Amazon Textract Connector


The Amazon Textract Connector is available for 8.6.0 or later.

The Amazon Textract Connector allows you to integrate your BPMN service with Amazon Textract to extract text from documents.


To use this Connector, you'll need an AWS IAM Access Key and Secret Key with the appropriate Textract permissions. Refer to the AWS Textract Developer Guide for setup instructions.


Use Camunda secrets to avoid exposing your AWS IAM credentials as plain text. See manage secrets.

Create an Amazon Textract Connector task

You can apply a Connector to a task or event via the append menu. For example:

  • From the canvas: Select an element and click the Change element icon to change an existing element, or use the append feature to add a new element to the diagram.
  • From the properties panel: Navigate to the Template section and click Select.
  • From the side palette: Click the Create element icon.

change element

After you have applied a Connector to your element, follow the configuration steps or see using Connectors to learn more.

Make your Amazon Textract Connector executable

To execute the Connector, you must ensure all mandatory fields are correctly filled.


Select an authentication type from the Authentication dropdown:

  1. Credentials: Select this option if you have an AWS Access Key and Secret Key. This method is applicable for both SaaS and Self-Managed users. If you select this option, you must provide the following required fields to use the connector:

    • Access Key: AWS access key for the user with Textract permissions.
    • Secret Key: The corresponding AWS secret key.
  2. Default Credentials Chain (hybrid/Self-Managed only): Select this option if your system uses implicit authentication methods such as role-based access, environment variables, or files on the target host. This method is only applicable for Self-Managed or hybrid environments. It uses the Default Credential Provider Chain to resolve credentials.

Configure AWS region

Set the AWS Region where the Textract service is hosted:

  • Region: Specify the region (for example, us-east-1, eu-west-1).

Ensure the region matches the location of your Textract service and S3 buckets to reduce latency and meet compliance requirements. For a full list of AWS regions, refer to AWS Regional Data.

Configure input

Execution types

Select the desired execution type from the Execution Type dropdown:

  • Real-time: Use for single-page PDF documents or smaller files that require immediate text extraction. This method processes the document instantly, allowing you to quickly retrieve the data.


    Real-time execution only supports single-page PDFs. For multi-page PDFs, consider using Polling or Asynchronous execution. For more information, refer to real-time PDF processing.

  • Polling: The Polling execution type collects data in chunks. After processing the document, it returns a token that allows you to retrieve the next result. This method is ideal for multi-page documents or large files that take longer to process.

    Polling continues retrieving results until the entire document is processed or until there are no more tokens remaining.


    Use Polling for documents that exceed the limitations of Real-time execution.

  • Asynchronous

    Use Asynchronous execution when processing large or complex documents that do not require immediate results. This method allows you to submit a document for analysis and receive results at a later time, making it ideal for background processing or batch operations.

    Asynchronous execution offers more flexibility than real-time or polling execution, as it allows you to process documents without waiting for immediate responses. This is particularly useful for larger files or when handling multiple documents simultaneously.

    In this mode, you can configure the following optional fields:

    • Client Request Token: An idempotent token used to identify the start request.
    • Job Tag: A tag included in the completion notification, published to the Amazon SNS topic.
    • KMS Key ID: The KMS key used to encrypt inference results.
    • Notification Channel Role ARN: The Amazon SNS role ARN for publishing the operation's completion status. Also requires the Notification Channel SNS Topic ARN field.
    • Notification Channel SNS Topic ARN: The SNS topic ARN for publishing the operation's completion status. Also requires the Notification Channel Role ARN field.
    • Output S3 Bucket: The bucket where the processed document's output will be stored.
    • Output S3 Prefix: The prefix under which the output will be saved. Also requires the Output S3 Bucket field.

    For example, you can use optional fields to set up notifications for when the processing is complete, or to define specific output locations for results.

Document Bucket

Enter the S3 Bucket that contains the document to be processed. Ensure the bucket has the correct permissions to allow Textract to access the document.

Document path

Enter the S3 Document Path to the file you want to process. This should include the full path from the bucket root to the document. Make sure the document path is properly structured and accessible by the Textract service.

Feature types

Select one or more Feature Types from the following options:

  • Analyze Tables: Identifies and extracts tabular data from the document.
  • Analyze Forms: Extracts key-value pairs from forms for further processing.
  • Analyze Signatures: Detects and analyzes signatures within the document.
  • Analyze Layout: Analyzes and extracts layout elements such as lines and words, and their spatial relationships.

At least one feature type must be selected, and choosing multiple options can provide richer data extraction results depending on your document’s format.

Document version (optional)

Specify the Document Version if you need to process a specific version of the document. If unspecified, the latest version of the document is processed. Document versioning is useful for tracking changes over time or processing a specific document iteration.


The response from the Amazon Textract Connector mirrors the AWS Textract service’s response. The type of response you receive depends on the execution mode selected:

Use the Textract Connector response in your process

The Amazon Textract Connector provides the same response structure as the AWS Textract API. You can map fields from the response to process variables, depending on your needs.

For example, to extract specific fields using Result Expression and Result Variable:

Example Textract Response (real-time execution)

Use output mapping to align this response with process variables:

  1. Use Result Variable to store the response in a process variable. For example, myResultVariable. This approach stores the entire Textract message as a process variable named myResultVariable.
  2. Use Result Expression to map fields from the response into process variables. This approach allows for more granularity. Instead of storing the entire response in one variable, you can extract specific fields from the Textract Connector message and assign them to different process variables. This is particularly useful when you are only interested in certain parts of the message, or when different parts of the message need to be used separately in your process.


"DocumentMetadata": {
"Pages": 1
"Blocks": [
"BlockType": "LINE",
"Confidence": 99.1,
"Text": "Hello World",
"Geometry": {
"BoundingBox": {
"Width": 0.5,
"Height": 0.1,
"Left": 0.1,
"Top": 0.1
"Id": "abcd1234"

Mapping example

To store the Text from the first block in a variable lineText, the Confidence in textConfidence, and the BlockType in blockType, use the following result expression:

= {lineText: blocks[0].text, textConfidence: blocks[0].confidence, blockType: blocks[0].blockType}

Mapped values result:

"lineText": "V3",
"textConfidence": 91.60225677490234,
"blockType": "LINE"