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Version: 8.8 (unreleased)

Custom connectors

Can't find the connector you need? Build your own custom connector using connector templates or the SDK.

Connector templates

Connectors use connector templates to customize how a BPMN element is shown, and how it can be configured by process developers. Connector templates are a specific kind of element template.

Connector SDK

Create your own custom Java connectors using the connector SDK.

Connector architecture

A connector consists of the actual Java code, and the Modeler user interface.

Diagram showing the architecture of a connector
  1. The Java code defines the connector functionality and how it connects to an external system. For example, the Connector function for outbound connectors.

  2. The user interface allows you to interact with the connector in Modeler. This is defined in a Connector template that controls how the BPMN element is shown in Modeler and what configuration options are available for the connector.

  • If you are only using prebuilt Connectors in Modeler, you only need to understand how to configure and use a Connector in the Modeler interface via the properties panel on the right side of the screen.
  • Connector templates are a specific type of element template, that can also be used when creating custom connectors using the Connector SDK.