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Evaluate decision



Evaluates a decision. You specify the decision to evaluate either by using its unique key (as returned by DeployResource), or using the decision ID. When using the decision ID, the latest deployed version of the decision is used.



    decisionKey int64

    The unique key identifying the decision to be evaluated. Cannot be used together with decisionId.

    decisionId string

    The ID of the decision to be evaluated. Cannot be used together with decisionKey. When using the decision ID, the latest deployed version of the decision is used.

    variables object

    The message variables as JSON document.

    property name* any

    Additional properties allowed.

    tenantId string

    The tenant ID of the decision.


The decision was evaluated.

    decisionKey int64

    The unique key identifying the decision which was evaluated.

    decisionId string

    The ID of the decision which was evaluated.

    decisionName string

    The name of the decision which was evaluated.

    decisionVersion int32

    The version of the decision which was evaluated.

    decisionRequirementsId string

    The ID of the decision requirements graph that the decision which was evaluated is part of.

    decisionRequirementsKey int64

    The unique key identifying the decision requirements graph that the decision which was evaluated is part of.

    decisionOutput string

    JSON document that will instantiate the result of the decision which was evaluated.

    failedDecisionId string

    The ID of the decision which failed during evaluation.

    failureMessage string

    Message describing why the decision which was evaluated failed.

    tenantId string

    The tenant ID of the evaluated decision.

    decisionInstanceKey int64

    The unique key identifying this decision evaluation.

    evaluatedDecisions object[]
  • Array [
  • decisionKey int64

    The unique key identifying the decision which was evaluate.

    decisionId string

    The ID of the decision which was evaluated.

    decisionName string

    The name of the decision which was evaluated.

    decisionVersion int32

    The version of the decision which was evaluated.

    decisionType string

    The type of the decision which was evaluated.

    decisionOutput string

    JSON document that will instantiate the result of the decision which was evaluated.

    tenantId string

    The tenant ID of the evaluated decision.

    matchedRules object[]
  • Array [
  • ruleId string

    The ID of the matched rule.

    ruleIndex string

    The index of the matched rule.

    evaluatedOutputs object[]
  • Array [
  • outputId string

    The ID of the evaluated decision output.

    outputName string

    The name of the evaluated decision output.

    outputValue string

    The value of the evaluated decision output.

  • ]
  • ]
  • evaluatedInputs object[]
  • Array [
  • inputId string

    The ID of the evaluated decision input.

    inputName string

    The name of the evaluated decision input.

    inputValue string

    The value of the evaluated decision input.

  • ]
  • ]