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Deploy resources



Deploys one or more resources (e.g. processes, decision models, or forms). This is an atomic call, i.e. either all resources are deployed or none of them are.



    resources binary[]required

    The binary data to create the deployment resources. It is possible to have more than one form part with different form part names for the binary data to create a deployment.

    tenantId string

    The tenant to deploy the resources to.


The resources are deployed.

    tenantId string

    The tenant ID associated with the deployment.

    deploymentKey string

    The unique key identifying the deployment.

    deployments object[]

    Items deployed by the request.

  • Array [
  • processDefinition object

    Base properties for DeploymentProcess.

    processDefinitionId string

    The bpmn process ID, as parsed during deployment, together with the version forms a unique identifier for a specific process definition.

    processDefinitionVersion int32

    The assigned process version.

    resourceName string

    The resource name from which this process was parsed.

    tenantId string

    The tenant ID of the deployed process.

    decisionDefinition object

    Base properties for DeploymentDecision.

    decisionDefinitionId string

    The dmn decision ID, as parsed during deployment, together with the version forms a unique identifier for a specific decision.

    version int32

    The assigned decision version.

    name string

    The DMN name of the decision, as parsed during deployment.

    tenantId string

    The tenant ID of the deployed decision.

    decisionRequirementsId string

    The dmn ID of the decision requirements graph that this decision is part of, as parsed during deployment.

    decisionRequirements object

    Base properties for DeploymentDecisionRequirements.

    decisionRequirementsId string

    The dmn decision requirements ID, as parsed during deployment; together with the versions forms a unique identifier for a specific decision.

    version int32

    The assigned decision requirements version.

    name string

    The DMN name of the decision requirements, as parsed during deployment.

    tenantId string

    The tenant ID of the deployed decision requirements.

    resourceName string

    The resource name from which this decision requirements was parsed.

    form object

    Base properties for DeploymentForm.

    formId string

    The form ID, as parsed during deployment, together with the version forms a unique identifier for a specific form.

    version int32

    The assigned form version.

    resourceName string

    The resource name from which this form was parsed.

    tenantId string

    The tenant ID of the deployed form.

    resource object

    Base properties for DeploymentResource.

    resourceId string

    The resource ID, as parsed during deployment, together with the version forms a unique identifier for a specific form.

    version int32

    The assigned resource version.

    resourceName string

    The resource name from which this resource was parsed.

    tenantId string

    The tenant ID of the deployed form.

  • ]