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Version: 8.5

Resume your cluster

You can resume your paused cluster during deployment, or from the Console at any time.

  • Resuming a cluster typically takes five to ten minutes.
  • To learn more about automatic cluster pausing on Free Trial plan clusters, see auto-pause.

Resume during deployment

During deployment, you can resume the selected cluster if it is paused.

Resume a paused cluster during deployment

  1. Select your paused cluster during deployment.
  2. Select Resume in the paused cluster notification.

Resume from Console

You can resume your paused cluster from the Console at any time.

Resume a paused cluster from the Console

  1. Navigate to Console, and select the Clusters tab.
  2. The cluster Status shows “Paused” if a cluster is paused. Select the cluster that you want to resume.
  3. On the cluster Overview tab, select Resume cluster in the Status row of the Cluster Details.