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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)


Zeebe can be configured through the following:

  • Configuration files
  • Environment variables
  • A mix of both

If both configuration files and environment variables are present, environment variables overwrite settings in configuration files.

To make small changes to the configuration, we recommend using environment variables.

To make big changes to the configuration, we recommend using a configuration file.

The configuration is applied during startup of Zeebe. It is not possible to change the configuration at runtime.

Default configuration

The default configuration is located in config/application.yaml. This configuration contains the most common configuration settings for a standalone broker. It also lists the corresponding environment variable for each setting.


The default configuration is not suitable for a standalone gateway node. To run a standalone gateway node, take a look at the gateway configuration or /config/gateway.yaml.template.

Configuration file templates

We provide templates that contain all possible configuration settings, along with explanations for each setting, though you may find it easier to search through our broker and gateway configuration documentation to adjust the templates:


These templates also include the corresponding environment variables to use for every setting.

Editing the configuration

You can either start from scratch or start from the configuration templates listed above.

If you use a configuration template and want to uncomment certain lines, make sure to also uncomment their parent elements:

Valid Configuration

# host:
port: 26500

Invalid configuration

# zeebe:
# gateway:
# network:
# host:
port: 26500

Uncommenting individual lines is a bit finicky, because YAML is sensitive to indentation. The best way to do it is to position the cursor before the # character and delete two characters (the dash and the space). Doing this will consistently give you a valid YAML file.

When it comes to editing individual settings, two data types are worth mentioning:

  • Data size (e.g. logSegmentSize)
    • Human-friendly format: 500MB (or KB, GB)
    • Machine-friendly format: size in bytes as long
  • Timeouts/intervals (e.g. requestTimeout)
    • Human-friendly format: 15s (or m, h)
    • Machine-friendly format: either duration in milliseconds as long, or ISO-8601 duration format (e.g. PT15S)

Passing configuration files to Zeebe

Rename the configuration file to application.yaml and place it in the following location:


Other ways to specify the configuration file

Zeebe uses Spring Boot for its configuration parsing. All other ways to configure a Spring Boot application should also work. In particular, you can use:

  • SPRING_CONFIG_ADDITIONAL_LOCATION to specify an additional configuration file.
  • SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON to specify settings in JSON format.

Details can be found in the Spring documentation.


We recommend not to use SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION as this will replace all existing configuration defaults. When used inappropriately, some features will be disabled or will not be configured properly.

If you specify SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION, specify it like this:

export SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION='classpath:/,file:./[path to config file]'

This will ensure the defaults defined in the classpath resources will be used (unless explicitly overwritten by the configuration file you provide). If you omit the defaults defined in the classpath, some features may be disabled or will not be configured properly.

Verifying configuration

Start Zeebe to verify the configuration was applied. If the configuration could be read, Zeebe will expose it via the monitoring port at http://localhost:9600/actuator/configprops/zeebe. This will show you both the resolved configuration and its inputs.


Zeebe uses the Spring Boot configprops actuator for this, so any documentation listed there applies as well.

In some cases of invalid configuration, Zeebe will fail to start and log a warning that explains which configuration setting could not be read.

17:17:38.796 [] [main] ERROR org.springframework.boot.diagnostics.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter -



Failed to bind properties under '' to int:

Value: false
Origin: System Environment Property "ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_PORTOFFSET"
Reason: failed to convert java.lang.String to int


Update your application's configuration


Camunda 8 Self-Managed only

Installations of Camunda 8 Self-Managed which require a license can provide their license key to the components as an environment variable:

Environment variableDescriptionDefault value
CAMUNDA_LICENSE_KEYYour Camunda 8 license key, if your installation requires a license.None

For Helm installations, license keys can be configured globally in your values.yaml file. See the Helm installation documentation for more details.


Camunda 8 components without a valid license may display Non-Production License in the navigation bar and issue warnings in the logs. These warnings have no impact on startup or functionality, with the exception that Web Modeler has a limitation of five users. To obtain a license, visit the Camunda Enterprise page.


Zeebe uses Log4j2 framework for logging. In the distribution and the Docker image, find the default log configuration file in config/log4j2.xml.

Google Stackdriver (JSON) logging

To enable Google Stackdriver compatible JSON logging, set the environment variable ZEEBE_LOG_APPENDER=Stackdriver before starting Zeebe.

Change log level dynamically

Zeebe brokers expose a Spring Boot Actuators web endpoint for configuring loggers dynamically. To change the log level of a logger, make a POST request to the /actuator/loggers/{} endpoint as shown in the example below. Change io.camunda.zeebe to the required logger name and debug to required log level.

curl 'http://localhost:9600/actuator/loggers/io.camunda.zeebe' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"configuredLevel":"debug"}'

Health probes

Health probes are set to sensible defaults which cover common use cases.

For specific use cases, it might be necessary to customize health probes:

Experimental configuration options

You may have already noticed a special section of Zeebe's configuration templates titled experimental. This section refers to settings which are potentially not backwards compatible. In other words, any configuration setting found there may or may not be dropped in any minor version.

These settings are there primarily for incubating features and/or very advanced settings for which the team has not found a good general default configuration. Once one is found, or the incubating feature is promoted, the setting(s) may be moved into a different section. Only at that point do they fall under the same backwards compatibility guarantees as the rest of the project. We may choose to drop support for specific experimental configurations in any minor version update.

Most users should not have to change anything in this section for a good experience. However, if you have a unique set up, or simply wish to try out new experimental features, it can be worth investigating these (ideally with the guidance of the Zeebe community).