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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)

Console SSL configuration

By default, communication between Console, Identity, and other components is not encrypted, as it usually occurs backend-to-backend within the same Docker network or Kubernetes cluster.

TLS-encrypted communication can be enabled by following the steps below (for example, if backend-to-backend communication is not possible in a custom Camunda 8 installation setup).

Configure Console for secure connections

Console can be configured using environment variables to enable secure connections to both Console and Identity.

Configure the Identity base URL

Set the base URL (starting with https://) of your Identity instance using the following properties:

Environment variableExample value

Configure SSL certificate

Enable and configure SSL by setting the following properties:

Environment variableDescriptionExample value
SERVER_SSL_ENABLEDTo enable SSL, set to true.true
SERVER_SSL_CERTIFICATEThe path to a PEM-encoded SSL certificate file. Ensure the provided path is accessible from the container (for example, via a mounted volume).file:/full/path/to/certificate.pem
SERVER_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEYThe path to a PEM-encoded private key file for the SSL certificate. Ensure the provided path is accessible from the container (for example, via a mounted volume).file:/full/path/to/key.pem
SERVER_SSL_PASSPHRASEOptional A passphrase for the private key.passphrase

SSL can be configured separately for the management routes using the MANAGEMENT_ properties:

Environment variableDescriptionExample value
MANAGEMENT_SERVER_SSL_ENABLEDTo enable SSL, set to true.true
MANAGEMENT_SERVER_SSL_CERTIFICATEThe path to a PEM-encoded SSL certificate file. Ensure the provided path is accessible from the container (for example, via a mounted volume).file:/full/path/to/certificate.pem
MANAGEMENT_SERVER_SSL_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEYThe path to a PEM-encoded private key file for the SSL certificate. Ensure the provided path is accessible from the container (for example, via a mounted volume).file:/full/path/to/key.pem
MANAGEMENT_SERVER_SSL_PASSPHRASEOptional A passphrase for the private key.passphrase

(Optional) Provide a custom certificate

If you are using a custom (self-signed) TLS certificate in Console or Identity, configure Console to accept the certificate.

Provide the path to the certificate file via the environment variable NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS:

Environment variableDescriptionExample value
NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTSThe path to your self-signed TLS certificate. Ensure the provided path is accessible from the container (for example, via a mounted volume)./path/to/certificate.crt