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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)

Adjust DMN models

For Camunda 8, a former community extension, built by core Camunda developers is productized. This engine has a higher coverage of DMN elements. This engine can execute DMN models designed for Camunda 7. However, there are some small differences as outlined in this document.

To evaluate Camunda 7 DMN files in Camunda 8, change the following in the XML:

modeler:executionPlatform should be set to Camunda Cloud. Prior to this change, you will see Camunda Platform, indicating designed compatibility with Camunda 7.

modeler:executionPlatformVersion should be set to 8.2.0. Prior to this change, you will see 7.19.0 or similar.


Web Modeler will automatically update modeler:executionPlatform and modeler:executionPlatformVersion to the correct values when you upload a DMN file.

General considerations

The following elements/attributes are not supported in Camunda 8:

  • History Time to Live
  • You cannot select the Expression Language, only FEEL is supported
  • The property Input Variable is removed. In FEEL, the input value can be accessed by using ? if needed.

Furthermore, legacy behavior can still be executed but the following should be kept in mind:

  • Remove data types integer + long + double in favor of number for inputs and outputs (in FEEL, there is only a number type represented as BigDecimal).


The following attribute can be migrated:

  • camunda:versionTag to extensionElements > zeebe:versionTag value