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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)

Conversion functions

Convert a value into a different type.


Returns the given value as a string representation.

Function signature

string(from: Any): string


// "1.1"

// "2012-12-25"


Parses the given string to a number.

Returns null if the string is not a number.

Function signature

number(from: string): number


// 1500.5


Constructs a context of the given list of key-value pairs. It is the reverse function to get entries().

Each key-value pair must be a context with two entries: key and value. The entry with name key must have a value of the type string.

It might override context entries if the keys are equal. The entries are overridden in the same order as the contexts in the given list.

Returns null if one of the entries is not a context or if a context doesn't contain the required entries.

Function signature

context(entries: list<context>): context


context([{"key":"a", "value":1}, {"key":"b", "value":2}])
// {a:1, b:2}


Returns a date from the given value.

Returns null if the string is not a valid calendar date. For example, "2024-06-31" is invalid because June has only 30 days.

Function signature

date(from: string): date

Parses the given string into a date.

date(from: date and time): date

Extracts the date component from the given date and time.


// date("2018-04-29")

date(date and time("2012-12-25T11:00:00"))
// date("2012-12-25")

date(year, month, day)

Returns a date from the given components.

Returns null if the components don't represent a valid calendar date. For example, 2024,6,31 is invalid because June has only 30 days.

Function signature

date(year: number, month: number, day: number): date


date(2012, 12, 25)
// date("2012-12-25")


Returns a time from the given value.

Function signature

time(from: string): time

Parses the given string into a time.

time(from: date and time): time

Extracts the time component from the given date and time.


// time("12:00:00")

time(date and time("2012-12-25T11:00:00"))
// time("11:00:00")

time(hour, minute, second)

Returns a time from the given components.

Function signature

time(hour: number, minute: number, second: number): time


time(23, 59, 0)
// time("23:59:00")

time(hour, minute, second, offset)

Returns a time from the given components, including a timezone offset.

Function signature

time(hour: number, minute: number, second: number, offset: days and time duration): time


time(14, 30, 0, duration("PT1H"))
// time("14:30:00+01:00")

date and time(from)

Parses the given string into a date and time.

Returns null if the string is not a valid calendar date. For example, "2024-06-31T10:00:00" is invalid because June has only 30 days.

Function signature

date and time(from: string): date and time


date and time("2018-04-29T09:30:00")
// date and time("2018-04-29T09:30:00")

date and time(date, time)

Returns a date and time from the given components.

Function signature

date and time(date: date, time: time): date and time
date and time(date: date and time, time: time): date and time

Returns a date and time value that consists of the date component of date combined with time.


date and time(date("2012-12-24"),time("T23:59:00"))
// date and time("2012-12-24T23:59:00")

date and time(date and time("2012-12-25T11:00:00"),time("T23:59:00"))
// date and time("2012-12-25T23:59:00")

date and time(date, timezone)

Camunda Extension

Returns the given date and time value at the given timezone.

If date has a different timezone than timezone then it adjusts the time to match the local time of timezone.

Function signature

date and time(date: date and time, timezone: string): date and time


date and time(@"2020-07-31T14:27:30@Europe/Berlin", "America/Los_Angeles")
// date and time("2020-07-31T05:27:30@America/Los_Angeles")

date and time(@"2020-07-31T14:27:30", "Z")
// date and time("2020-07-31T12:27:30Z")


Parses the given string into a duration. The duration is either a days and time duration or a years and months duration.

Function signature

duration(from: string): days and time duration
duration(from: string): years and months duration


// duration("P5D")

// duration("P32Y")

years and months duration(from, to)

Returns the years and months duration between from and to.

Function signature

years and months duration(from: date, to: date): years and months duration


years and months duration(date("2011-12-22"), date("2013-08-24"))
// duration("P1Y8M")