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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)

Context functions

get value(context, key)

Returns the value of the context entry with the given key.

Function signature

get value(context: context, key: string): Any


get value({foo: 123}, "foo")
// 123

get value({a: 1}, "b")
// null

get value(context, keys)

Camunda Extension

Returns the value of the context entry for a context path defined by the given keys.

If keys contains the keys [k1, k2] then it returns the value at the nested entry k1.k2 of the context.

If keys are empty or the nested entry defined by the keys doesn't exist in the context, it returns null.

Function signature

get value(context: context, keys: list<string>): Any


get value({x:1, y: {z:0}}, ["y", "z"])
// 0

get value({x: {y: {z:0}}}, ["x", "y"])
// {z:0}

get value({a: {b: 3}}, ["b"])
// null

get entries(context)

Returns the entries of the context as a list of key-value-pairs.

Function signature

get entries(context: context): list<context>

The return value is a list of contexts. Each context contains two entries for "key" and "value".


get entries({foo: 123})
// [{key: "foo", value: 123}]

context put(context, key, value)

Adds a new entry with the given key and value to the context. Returns a new context that includes the entry.

If an entry for the same key already exists in the context, it overrides the value.

Function signature

context put(context: context, key: string, value: Any): context


context put({x:1}, "y", 2)
// {x:1, y:2}

The function context put() replaced the previous function put() (Camunda Extension). The previous function is deprecated and should not be used anymore.

context put(context, keys, value)

Adds a new entry with the given value to the context. The path of the entry is defined by the keys. Returns a new context that includes the entry.

If keys contains the keys [k1, k2] then it adds the nested entry k1.k2 = value to the context.

If an entry for the same keys already exists in the context, it overrides the value.

If keys are empty, it returns null.

Function signature

context put(context: context, keys: list<string>, value: Any): context


context put({x:1}, ["y"], 2)
// {x:1, y:2}

context put({x:1, y: {z:0}}, ["y", "z"], 2)
// {x:1, y: {z:2}}

context put({x:1}, ["y", "z"], 2)
// {x:1, y: {z:2}}

context merge(contexts)

Union the given contexts. Returns a new context that includes all entries of the given contexts.

If an entry for the same key already exists in a context, it overrides the value. The entries are overridden in the same order as in the list of contexts.

Function signature

context merge(contexts: list<context>): context


context merge([{x:1}, {y:2}])
// {x:1, y:2}

context merge([{x:1, y: 0}, {y:2}])
// {x:1, y:2}

The function context merge() replaced the previous function put all() (Camunda Extension). The previous function is deprecated and should not be used anymore.