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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)

Boolean functions


Returns the logical negation of the given value.

Function signature

not(negand: boolean): boolean


// false

// null

is defined(value)​

Camunda Extension

Checks if a given value is not null. If the value is null then the function returns false. Otherwise, the function returns true.

Function signature

is defined(value: Any): boolean


is defined(1)
// true

is defined(null)
// false

is defined(x)
// false - if no variable "x" exists

is defined(x.y)
// false - if no variable "x" exists or it doesn't have a property "y"
Breaking change

This function worked differently in previous versions. It returned true if the value was null. Since this version, the function returns false if the value is null.

get or else(value, default)​

Camunda Extension

Return the provided value parameter if not null, otherwise return the default parameter

Function signature

get or else(value: Any, default: Any): Any


get or else("this", "default")
// "this"

get or else(null, "default")
// "default"

get or else(null, null)
// null

assert(value, condition)​

Camunda Extension

Verify that the given condition is met. If the condition is true, the function returns the value. Otherwise, the evaluation fails with an error.

Function signature

assert(value: Any, condition: Any)


assert(x, x != null)
// "value" - if x is "value"
// error - if x is null or doesn't exist

assert(x, x >= 0)
// 4 - if x is 4
// error - if x is less than zero

assert(value, condition, cause)​

Camunda Extension

Verify that the given condition is met. If the condition is true, the function returns the value. Otherwise, the evaluation fails with an error containing the given message.

Function signature

assert(value: Any, condition: Any, cause: String)


assert(x, x != null, "'x' should not be null")
// "value" - if x is "value"
// error('x' should not be null) - if x is null or doesn't exist

assert(x, x >= 0, "'x' should be positive")
// 4 - if x is 4
// error('x' should be positive) - if x is less than zero