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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)

Microsoft Teams Connector

The Microsoft Teams Connector is an outbound Connector that allows you to connect your BPMN process with Microsoft Teams to manage interactions.


To use the Microsoft Teams Connector, you need to have a Microsoft Teams account and relevant permissions or the registered application in the Azure Active Directory (visit how to register the app for more information) alongside the relevant Microsoft Graph API permissions.


Use Camunda secrets to store credentials so you don't expose sensitive information directly from the process. See managing secrets to learn more.

Create a Microsoft Teams Connector task

You can apply a Connector to a task or event via the append menu. For example:

  • From the canvas: Select an element and click the Change element icon to change an existing element, or use the append feature to add a new element to the diagram.
  • From the properties panel: Navigate to the Template section and click Select.
  • From the side palette: Click the Create element icon.

change element

After you have applied a Connector to your element, follow the configuration steps or see using Connectors to learn more.

Make your Microsoft Teams Connector executable

To work with Microsoft Teams, choose the required connection type in the Authentication section and complete the mandatory fields highlighted in red in the Connector properties panel on the right side of the screen.


All the mandatory and non-mandatory fields depending on the authentication selection you choose are covered in the upcoming sections.


Choose among the available Microsoft Teams Connectors according to your authentication requirements. The Microsoft Teams Connector uses the Microsoft Graph API. Visit the Microsoft Graph auth overview for more information on the Microsoft Graph API authentication.

First, you must have a user account with Microsoft Teams with the necessary permissions. See more at in Microsoft Teams overview. If you don't have administration roles and permissions, ask your Microsoft Teams administrator to add required permissions to work with the Microsoft Teams Connector.

Next, you will choose the type of connection.

Bearer Token type authentication

For a Bearer Token type authentication, take the following steps:

  1. Click the Bearer Token connection type in the Authentication section.
  2. Set Bearer Token to Bearer Token.

Visit Microsoft Teams Access Token for more information.

Options to obtain an access token

Refresh Token type authentication

For a Refresh Token type authentication, take the following steps:

  1. Click the Refresh token connection type in the Authentication section.
  2. Set Refresh token to Refresh Token. Read more on how to get a refresh token.
  3. Set Tenant ID to Tenant ID. Your Microsoft Teams tenant ID is a unique identifier. Read more on how to find a tenant ID.
  4. Set the Client ID field: the application ID that the Azure app registration portal assigned to your app.
  5. Set the Secret ID field: the client secret that you created in the app registration portal for your app.

Client credentials type authentication

For a Client credentials type authentication, take the following steps:

  1. Click the Client credentials connection type in the Authentication section.
  2. Set Tenant ID to Tenant ID. Your Microsoft Teams tenant ID is a unique identifier. See more on how to find a tenant ID.
  3. Set the Client ID field: the application ID that the Azure app registration portal assigned to your app.
  4. Set the Secret ID field: the client secret that you created in the app registration portal for your app.

With Client credentials type authentication, some methods of the Microsoft Teams Connector may not be available. Find more details in the chat methods table and channel methods table.

Conversation type and method

In the Operation section, choose a conversation type of either Chat or Channel. Then, choose one of the suggested methods.

For example, if you want to send a message in a Microsoft Teams channel, choose the conversation type Channel and method Send message in channel.

Data section

Chat conversation type


Chat IDGet chat by ID
List chat members
Send message in chat
List messages in chat
Get message in chat
List chat members
YesstringMicrosoft Teams chat ID
ContentSend message in chatYestextContent that will be sent to chat
Content TypeSend message in chatYesdropdownContent type of body message
Chat typeCreate a new chatYesdropdownClick one on one to create a one-on-one chat or group to create a group chat.
TopicCreate a new chatNostringTopic of chat
MembersCreate a new chatYesFEEL expressionSee members property to learn more.
TopList messages in chatNonumbersControls the number of items per response; maximum allowed top value is 50.
Order byList messages in chatYesdropdownCan order by 'lastModifiedDateTime' and 'createdDateTime'.
Expand responseGet chat by IDYesdropdownChoose
FilterList messages in chatNostringSets the date range filter for the lastModifiedDateTime and createdDateTime properties. Learn more about filtering.
Message IDGet message in chatYesstringMicrosoft Teams chat message ID
Expand response

For method Get chat by ID, you can get more information in the response by using the dropdown property Expand response. You can choose one of the following values:

  • select With chat members, to get information about chat members.
  • select With last message preview, to get last message in chat. Note: This function doesn't work with client credentials type authentication, make sure that you use another authentication type.
  • select Without expand, to get main information about chat.
Members property

The members property must contain a list of members:

userIdstringYes, if 'userPrincipalName' is not set
userPrincipalNamestringYes, if 'userId' is not set
rolesstring arrayYes
"userId": "abc01234-0c7f-012c-9876-&812dsfw2",
"roles": ["owner"]
"principalName": "",
"roles": ["owner"]

Chat methods

MethodUse protected APIsAvailable for client credentials type authenticationLink to method documentation with required permissions and return value
Create a new chatfalsetrue
Get chat by IDfalsetrue
List chatsfalsetrue
List chat membersfalsefalse
Send message in chatfalsefalse
Get message in chatfalsetrue
List messages in chattruetrue

Channel conversation type


Group IDCreate channel
Get channel
List channels
Send message to channel
Get channel message
List channel messages
List message replies
List members
YesstringMicrosoft Teams group ID
Channel IDGet channel
List channels
Send message to channel
Get channel message
List channel messages
List message replies
List members
YesstringMicrosoft Teams channel ID
Display nameCreate channelNostringDisplayed name of new Microsoft Teams channel
DescriptionCreate channelNotextDescription of new Microsoft Teams channel
Channel membership typeCreate channelYesdropdownSee teams-channels-overview for more information
OwnerCreate channel (if Channel membership type != STANDARD)YesstringChannel owner; Microsoft Teams user ID or Microsoft Teams principal name
FilterList channelsNostringThe search filter. Learn more about filtering
ContentSend message to channelYestextContent that will be sent to chat
Content TypeSend message to channelYesdropdownContent type of body message
Message IDGet channel messageYesstringMessage ID of Microsoft Teams in channel
TopList channel messagesNonumbersControls the number of items per response
With repliesList channel messagesYesbooleanChoose FALSE for get messages without replies
Choose FALSE for get messages without replies
Message IDList message repliesYesstringMicrosoft Teams channel message ID

Channel methods

MethodUse protected APIsAvailable for client credentials type authenticationLink to method documentation with required permissions and return value
Create channelfalsetrue
Get channelfalsetrue
List channelsfalsetrue
Send message to channelfalsefalse
Get channel messagetruetrue
List channel messagestruetrue
List message repliestruetrue
List membersfalsetrue

Microsoft Teams Connector response

The Microsoft Teams Connector returns the Microsoft Graph API response in result wrapper:

"result": {
"chatType": "ONE_ON_ONE",
"createdDateTime": {
"dateTime": {
"date": {
"year": 2022,
"month": 11,
"day": 29
"time": {
"hour": 18,
"minute": 10,
"second": 33,
"nano": 361000000
"offset": {
"totalSeconds": 0
"lastUpdatedDateTime": {
"dateTime": {
"date": {
"year": 2022,
"month": 11,
"day": 29
"time": {
"hour": 18,
"minute": 10,
"second": 33,
"nano": 361000000
"offset": {
"totalSeconds": 0
"tenantId": "0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000",
"webUrl": "",
"id": "19%3Aefb08ac3-0000f-0000-0000-example-chat-id_fe35bf61-0000-0000-0000-ddc97d8903d4%40unq.gbl.spaces"

See channel resource type to find the response for the required method for a channel conversation type, or see chat resource type to find the response for the required method for a chat conversation type.

You can use an output mapping to map the response:

  1. Use Result Variable to store the response in a process variable. For example, myResultVariable.
  2. Use Result Expression to map fields from the response into process variables. For example:
= {
"tenantId": result.tenantId