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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)

Box Connector

The Box Connector is an outbound Connector that allows you to interact with the Box storage API from your BPMN process.


To use the Box Connector, you must have a Box account. You can use an enterprise account or create a developer account.

The Box Connector supports different Box API authentication methods, all of which require a Custom App in your Box account.

  • Camunda recommends enabling the Generate user access tokens feature in Advanced Features in your app configuration. This allows the Connector to login as an app user. You can use the User ID shown on the overview page in your Box app console.
  • Ensure the app is Authorized in the Platform Apps Manager section of your Box account.

A Custom App is required to interact with the Box API without any manual user interaction during credentials creation when authenticating with the Connector.

Create a Box Connector task

You can apply a Connector to a task or event via the append menu. For example:

  • From the canvas: Select an element and click the Change element icon to change an existing element, or use the append feature to add a new element to the diagram.
  • From the properties panel: Navigate to the Template section and click Select.
  • From the side palette: Click the Create element icon.

change element

After you have applied a Connector to your element, follow the configuration steps or see using Connectors to learn more.


To authenticate the Connector with Box, select an authentication type from the Authentication dropdown:

  • Client Credentials Enterprise: Authenticate using an Enterprise ID. You must have an enterprise account with Box.
  • Client Credentials User: Authenticate using a User ID. You must have a Custom App set up in Box.
  • Devoloper Token : Authenticate using a developer token. These tokens are usually only valid for 60 minutes, and should be used for testing purposes only.
  • JWT JSON Config: Authenticate using a JSON configuration file created and downloaded from your Box App Configuration page.


The Box Connector supports the following operations that allow you to interact with the items stored in your Box account.


The Box Connector supports two methods for locating items stored in your Box account:

  • File or folder path properties allow you to either specify the Item ID (found in the Box URL when browsing your items) or using the item names separated by slashes (/) for items in folders.
  • A path consisting of only a single / denotes the root of your Box folder. For example, /my-folder would point to the my-folder folder located in the root directory. You can use the path notation for files (/my/image.png) and folders (/my/sub/folder).

Starting from version 8.7.0, the Box Connector supports uploading documents from (or downloading documents to) the Camunda document store. Review the Document field in the properties panel where the document reference can be provided. See additional details and limitations in document handling.

Create Folder

Creates a new folder in your store.

Folder nameStringYes"my-folder"
Parent pathFolder pathNo/, 123, /my/parent/folders

This operation fails if a folder already exists with the same name, as Box only supports unique names.

Delete Folder

Deletes an existing folder. Optionally include all items and subfolders.

Folder pathStringYes"/my-folder"

Delete File

Deletes a single file item.

File pathStringYes"/my-file.png"

Move File

Moves a file item into a folder.

File pathStringYes"/my-file.png"
Target folder pathStringYes"/another/folder"

Download File

Downloads a file item by creating a document in the process engine, and returning a reference to the document in the response.

File pathStringYes"/my-file.png"

For example, you can reference the document representing the downloaded file using the example response expression:

{"download": document}

Upload File

Upload a file using an existing document reference.

The Box Connector resolves the document reference and creates a new file item in your Box store.

File pathStringYes"/my-file.png"
Folder pathStringYes"/upload/folder"
Document referenceDocument reference objectYes{...}

The result of the upload can be accessed via the item property of the result.

Example value of a successful file upload:

{ "item": { "id": "1734104173434", "name": "my_new_file.png", "type": "file" } }

Searches the items stored in the Box account.

Search queryStringYes"inci"
Seach sort columnStringNomodified_at
Search sort directionStringNoDESC
Search offsetStringNo0, 10
Search limitStringNo50

Example search result with a single item:

"items": [
{ "id": "1733978444906", "name": "incident-wrapped.png", "type": "file" }