You can run your process test with Connectors to verify the integration with external systems or the configuration of the Connector tasks in your processes.
For more unit-focused tests, mock the interaction; for example, by completing Connector jobs with an expected result.
Enable Connectors
By default, the Connectors are disabled. You need to change the runtime configuration to enable them.
- Spring SDK
- Java client
Set the following property in your application.yml
connectors-enabled: true
Or, set the property directly on your test class:
@SpringBootTest(properties = {"io.camunda.process.test.connectors-enabled=true"})
public class MyProcessTest {
Register the JUnit extension in your test class with enabled Connectors:
// No annotation: @CamundaProcessTest
public class MyProcessTest {
private final CamundaProcessTestExtension extension =
new CamundaProcessTestExtension().withConnectorsEnabled(true);
Connector secrets
If you use Connectors secrets in your processes, you can define them in the test runtime.
- Spring SDK
- Java client
Add your secrets under the following property in your application.yml
connectors-enabled: true
GITHUB_TOKEN: ghp_secret
SLACK_TOKEN: xoxb-secret
Or, set the property directly on your test class:
properties = {
public class MyProcessTest {
Add your secrets when you register the JUnit extension:
// No annotation: @CamundaProcessTest
public class MyProcessTest {
private final CamundaProcessTestExtension extension =
new CamundaProcessTestExtension()
.withConnectorsSecret("GITHUB_TOKEN", "ghp_secret")
.withConnectorsSecret("SLACK_TOKEN", "xoxb-secret");
Invoke an inbound Connector
You can retrieve the URL address to invoke an inbound Connector in your test from the CamundaProcessTestContext
- Spring SDK
- Java client
public class MyProcessTest {
@Autowired private ZeebeClient client;
@Autowired private CamundaProcessTestContext processTestContext;
void shouldInvokeConnector() {
// given: a process instance waiting at a Connector event
// when
final String inboundConnectorAddress =
processTestContext.getConnectorsAddress() + "/inbound/" + CONNECTOR_ID;
// invoke the connector address, for example, via HTTP request
// then: verify that the Connector event is completed
public class MyProcessTest {
// to be injected
private ZeebeClient client;
private CamundaProcessTestContext processTestContext;
void shouldInvokeConnector() {
// given: a process instance waiting at a Connector event
// when
final String inboundConnectorAddress =
processTestContext.getConnectorsAddress() + "/inbound/" + CONNECTOR_ID;
// invoke the connector address, for example, via HTTP request
// then: verify that the Connector event is completed
You might need to wrap the invocation of the Connector in a retry loop, for example, by using Awaitility.
There can be a delay between verifying that the Connectors event is active and opening the Connectors inbound subscription.
Custom Connectors
To use a custom Connectors bundle, replace the Connectors in the test runtime.
- Spring SDK
- Java client
Set the Docker image name and version of your custom Connector bundle under the following properties in your application.yml
connectors-enabled: true
connectors-docker-image-name: my-org/my-connectors
connectors-docker-image-version: 1.0.0
Set the Docker image name and version of your custom Connector bundle when you register the JUnit extension:
// No annotation: @CamundaProcessTest
public class MyProcessTest {
private final CamundaProcessTestExtension extension =
new CamundaProcessTestExtension()