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Version: 8.7 (unreleased)


Forms can be easily styled by combining defining own CSS rules and overriding a set of CSS variables. If you want to go beyond CSS, you can fork the form viewer

and change the HTML returned by the individual form component renderers.

Styling via CSS

CSS variables

The variables are defined at the root of the form-js container:

.fjs-container {
* Color settings. Specify color variables in the following schema:
* 1 - use specified layer
* 2 - use layer one
* 3 - use fallback
--color-background: var(--cds-field, var(--cds-field-01, var(--color-white)));
--color-background-disabled: var(
--color-background-readonly: var(
--color-background-adornment: var(
var(--cds-field-01, var(--color-grey-225-10-95))
--color-background-inverted: var(
--color-background-inverted-hover: var(
--color-background-active: var(
--color-layer: var(--cds-layer, var(--cds-layer-01, var(--color-white)));
--color-layer-accent: var(--cds-layer-accent, var(--color-grey-0-0-88));
--color-icon-base: var(--cds-icon-primary, var(--color-black));
--color-icon-inverted: var(--cds-icon-inverse, var(--color-black));
--color-text: var(--cds-text-primary, var(--color-grey-225-10-15));
--color-text-light: var(--cds-text-secondary, var(--color-grey-225-10-35));
--color-text-lighter: var(--cds-text-secondary, var(--color-grey-225-10-45));
--color-text-lightest: var(
--color-text-inverted: var(--cds-text-inverse, var(--color-text));
--color-text-disabled: var(--cds-text-disabled, var(--color-text-light));
--color-borders: var(
var(--cds-border-strong-01, var(--color-grey-225-10-55))
--color-borders-group: var(--cds-border-subtle, var(--color-grey-225-10-85));
--color-borders-table: var(--color-borders-group);
--color-borders-disabled: var(
--color-borders-adornment: var(
var(--cds-border-subtle-01, var(--color-grey-225-10-85))
--color-borders-readonly: var(
--color-borders-inverted: var(
--color-warning: var(--cds-text-error, var(--color-red-360-100-45));
--color-warning-light: var(--cds-text-error, var(--color-red-360-100-92));
--color-accent: var(--cds-link-primary, var(--color-blue-205-100-40));
--color-accent-readonly: var(
var(--cds-border-strong-01, var(--color-grey-225-10-55))
--color-datepicker-focused-day: var(
--color-shadow: var(--cds-shadow, var(--color-grey-225-10-85));

/* font + text settings */
--font-family: "IBM Plex Sans", sans-serif;
--font-size-group: 15px;
--font-size-base: 14px;
--font-size-input: 14px;
--font-size-label: 12px;
--line-height-base: 20px;
--line-height-input: 18px;
--line-height-label: 16px;
--letter-spacing-base: 0.16px;
--letter-spacing-input: 0.16px;
--letter-spacing-label: 0.32px;

/* field settings */
--form-field-height: 36px;
--border-definition: 1px solid var(--color-borders);
--border-definition-adornment: 1px solid var(--color-borders-adornment);
--outline-definition: 1px solid var(--cds-focus, var(--color-borders));
--button-warning-outline-definition: 2px solid var(--color-warning);
--border-definition-disabled: 1px solid var(--color-borders-disabled);
--border-definition-readonly: 1px solid var(--color-borders-readonly);

Styleable classes

The simplest way to find the right styleable elements to override is inspecting form-js using your browser's developer tools. Scope rules with the .fjs-container class to prevent CSS conflicts.

For example, to override field borders for single-line fields:

.fjs-container .fjs-input-group {
border-width: 0 0 1px 0;


Camunda 8 web applications are built using the IBM Carbon design system. Forms rendered in Tasklist appear in this design system by default. Visit the Carbon form-js styles repository

to learn how to create your own form styles.

Basic style

Loading form...

Custom style (Material-like)

Loading form...

Styling via form viewer customization

The form viewer

contains all basic form components
shipped in Camunda Forms. For full flexibility, fork the library and change the returned HTML of the individual components, or override existing components via custom form components.


The following example demonstrates replacing the default rendering of the text field component

with Material UI.

import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField';


export default function Textfield(props) {
const {
} = props;


const onInputBlur = () => {

return <div class={ formFieldClasses(type, { errors, disabled, readonly }) }>
// using MUI TextField instead of default
id={ domId }
label={ label }
value={ value }
defaultValue={ defaultValue }
onChange={(event) => {

<Description description={ description } />
<Errors errors={ errors } id={ errorMessageId } />
