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Version: 8.5


A cluster is a provided group of production-ready nodes that run Camunda 8.

  • Enterprise plan customers can create as many production or development clusters as they want based on their Enterprise agreement.
  • Starter plan customers are limited based on the fair usage limits of the plan.

Production clusters come in three sizes: small (S), medium (M), and large (L). To learn more about the size of cluster best suited for your use case, refer to our Best Practices for more information on sizing your runtime environment.

The following table shows each plan and available type or size of cluster:

DevelopmentProduction - SProduction - MProduction - L
Free Trial-X--

When you deploy and execute your BPMN or DMN models on a production cluster, this might impact your monthly (Starter) or annual (Enterprise) total fee, meaning the more you execute your models, the higher your total fee may be.

Free Trial cluster

Free Trial clusters have the same functionality as a production cluster, but are size small and only available during your trial period. You cannot convert a Free Trial cluster to a different kind of cluster.

Once you sign up for a Free Trial, you are able to create one production cluster for the duration of your trial.

When your Free Trial plan expires, you are automatically transferred to the Free plan. This plan allows you to model BPMN and DMN collaboratively, but does not support execution of your models. Any cluster created during your trial is deleted, and you cannot create new clusters.


Free Trial dev (or untagged) clusters are automatically paused eight hours after a cluster is created or resumed from a paused state. Auto-pause occurs regardless of cluster usage.

You can resume a paused cluster at any time, which typically takes five to ten minutes to complete. See resume your cluster.

  • Clusters tagged as test, stage, or prod do not auto-pause.
  • Paused clusters are automatically deleted after 30 consecutive paused days. You can change the tag to avoid cluster deletion.
  • No data is lost while a cluster is paused. All execution and configuration is saved, but cluster components such as Zeebe and Operate are temporarily disabled until you resume the cluster.

To prevent auto-pause, you can:

Development clusters

Development clusters, available in the Starter and Enterprise plans, are recommended for development, testing, proof of concepts, and demos.

The way this type of cluster works varies depending on if you are using it in the Starter or the Enterprise plan.

Development clusters in the Enterprise plan

Enterprise plan users can purchase development clusters as part of their Enterprise subscription agreement. Deployment and execution of models (process instances, decision instances, and task users) are included at no extra cost for this type of cluster. Additionally, this type of cluster in the Enterprise plan follows the standard data retention policy and does not auto-pause when not in use.

Please contact us if you are an existing customer and would like to purchase a development cluster.

Development clusters in the Starter plan

Starter plan users have one development cluster with free execution for development included in their plan. Deployment and execution of models (process instances, decision instances, and task users) are provided at no cost.

Additional clusters can be purchased through your billing reservations.

Additionally in the Starter plan, the following applies to development clusters:

  • Cluster is not highly available & includes less hardware: Reduced hardware resources and availability compared to production cluster (for example, one Zeebe node only).
  • Shorter history of processes and decisions: Data retention in Operate, Optimize, and Tasklist is reduced to one day. For example, pending or historical process instances are deleted after one day as per the fair usage limits of the Starter plan.